Costs for health care
The Audio Laser Clinic is a private health care alternative
and is not included in the national official health care fee system in Sweden.
The patients pay the whole cost.
EU directives and verdicts of the European Court
There are no Swedish laws or regulations, EU directives or precedent verdicts in the European court for human rights giving Swedish citizens the right to choose private health care alternatives for the same cost as official health care. But there are for citizens from other EU membership countries.
The European Court states in several verdicts that citizens in other EU membership countries can be refunded for health care and have the right to go to any other EU membership country to get planned treatment if the following requirements are fulfilled.
The treatment must be regarded as normal in the professional circles concerned. This expression means that the treatment must be regarded as normal means that authorization cannot be refused on that ground where it appears that the treatment concerned is sufficiently tried and tested by international medical science.
Authorization regarding payment for the treatment can be refused on the ground of lack of medical necessity only if the same or equally effective treatment can be obtained without undue delay at an establishment having a contractual arrangement with the insured person's sickness insurance fund.
If the requirements are fulfilled, the home country of the citizen getting treatment abroad must pay the costs for treatment. Several patients have from their home countries received payment for their medical treatment at the Audio Laser Clinic.
Laser therapy in combination with the treatment with pulsed
electromagnetic field therapy (rTMS) and analysis and control of free radicals
is not carried thru at any other clinic in any other European Union membership
country, so citizens from all European Union membership countries can come
to the Audio Laser Clinic in Sweden and get the treatment and have it paid
by their home countries.
Waiting list
The health care offered at the Audio Laser Clinic is at
the moment carried through during two treatment periods per year (March-May
and September-November). There is no waiting list. All patients wanting
to undergo the treatment at the Audio Laser Clinic can do so during the
following treatment period. In Italy the same laser therapy is conducted
at hospitals that are financed by the government. The waiting list there
is about a year long.
Costs at the Audio Laser Clinic
1 examination: SEK 1 000
1 FORT test (blood sample test and analysis of free radicals): SEK
1 hearing test: SEK 400
1 treatment session: SEK 1 000
1 full treatment period (20 treatment sessions): SEK 20 000